Evening Talks

We can offer a selection of 60 minute evening talks for local WI groups, Local History groups, or other general interest groups with an interest in science or history. At present we can travel up to 100 miles from Seascale, on the west coast of Cumbria. Invitations from further afield may be considered if overnight accommodation can be offered.

Excellent educational entertainment which should suit most age groups.
— Len Watson, Secretary, Drigg Local History Group

Some of our talks are more hands-on than people are used to. Here is a workshop Brother Mellitus ran at Muncaster Castle.

Brother Mellitus running his medieval writing workshop

Our current offerings are:

  • Life and warfare in the Viking Age – a general talk abut Vikings, including aspects of local history

  • Iron Gall Ink and use in old Manuscripts – a talk about the ink used in medieval manuscripts and how it was made

  • A Short History of Alchemy – a general talk about the history of alchemy and how it relates to modern chemistry

  • Ultra-marine Blue and Vermilion: Sacred Pigments – the spiritual and alchemical aspects of two special medieval pigments

  • Kitchen Science – fun science demonstrations you can do at home with the children